Sunday, February 28, 2010

digital stuff

I'm loving Gimp. I downloaded some brushes and have been playing around with them.

I made these. I think the spring will be for the local ATC swap, but the other was just for me - which I may yet print and fame, just because I love it.

(If you want to know more on the brushes, let me know and I will figure out which sets they're from.)

Saturday, February 27, 2010


It's been a productive day, at least here on the computer. My poor neglected house might beg to differ!

Besides finally posting several pictures here, I decided that I need a stamp to use on the back of cards when I make them. If I start doing that now, and passing them around, then when I finally get things started, my "business name" will be circulating. Okay, it won't go very far, but at least my friends will know it to share around, right?

So I went to a nifty website to design my stamp. I played with a few of their fonts and found one I really like, which they credited to

Well, I didn't want to chance infringing on their rights, so I went directly to their site, discovered that it's okay to use for personal right, but I will need a license if I begin using it commercially. I emailed Stuart over there and he was nice enough to respond right away. He said as long as I buy the license before I go commercial, I can use it now for my personal stuff. How awesome and understanding is that? (And really, he has some awesome fonts - you should really check it out!)

The other font used was good old-fashioned century gothic - you know, the one that has been on every windows computer you've ever owned? Well, right up until Windows 7, that is. I was quite shocked to see that it wasn't there anymore, but luckily still had it in my windows.old directory. So I restored all my old fonts from there, too, and ended up not having to download and pay for a bunch of fun stuff again.

Well, since I've got all that now, I went ahead and ordered my stamp, which should be here in no time.

Then I thought "Well, I've got this cool new logo type thing, why not make it a real logo". Then I remembered why - I can't afford to buy and install a graphics program to create it with!

Today really has been my lucky day - I found the wonders of GIMP. I love open source software, but I especially love it when it does exactly what I want it to do - and easily. I spent a little time with the online tutorial, then managed to create a "logo" for this blog, as well as a brush to use on my images. So back I went through my blog and replaced all the pictures with stamped versions showing that they're copyright to me.

Watch out, world. I may actually be figuring out what I'm doing!

Of course, first I get to go have dinner with Jason and Garrett. I've been waaaaay to busy to cook! lol

.. and one more...

Okay, just one more for now.

This was another idea I had for yule cards this year, but in the end, I decided they were too labor intensive for me to get done. (And ultimately, I got almost NONE done, anyway, so I guess I was right!)

Card stock is CTMH grey wool and Georgia Pacific for the white, the black is from my stash and I don't remember who made that. The flourish and bird images are from Scrappy Cat. I also used CTMH grey wool ink and Versafine black ink, with a few touches from a Starburst glitter gel pen that are hard to see in this photo.
The bird was stamped separately, then cut out and adhered over the grey stamping. I liked the effect.

another one

I know - silly to post all these at once, right? But they've got pics uploaded and I haven't posted in so long, I almost feel like I *have* to do something... before I get sidetracked again!

So here is a cute valentine. I made a few of these, but then decided it was sorta pointless, since I don't send valentines! Thankfully, I left the insides blank, so they are still usuable for something else.

Papers are BoBunny, border punch is a Martha Stewart. The hearts were cut out with a cricut. (I think Basic Shapes, but please don't quote me.)

... on another roll? ...

And since it's been FOREVER, I should probably go ahead and post this.

Okay, I know it's not something that I created. But it is something that helps me be more creative, so that sorta counts, right?

This is my new ribbon storage. (No, it's not all of it. I still have a plastic bin full, and a sorter full of smaller pieces, but this is the stuff that I tend to use most often.) I love the way it's out in the open so I can see if I have the right color, and workably accessible - I just pull out the pin, pull off how much I need, and I'm good to go.

The best part is that it's portable. I can wrap it in a bag or pillowcase and take it along, as is. No more packing/unpacking the whole lot. I think it needs a shaped zipper cover, but I'm not too good with sewing zippers yet, so that is on the 'someday' list.

holy cow!

I haven't posted in forever... I got so caught up in the whirlwind that was moving, and then in the whirlwind that was wrestling, that I have sadly neglected this!

I did at least take time to be creative. I made this wonderful sign, which now sits on my desk at work and is actually visible from the entrance, before you even step foot inside the firm. (I sorta like that. I admit it.)

I bought the letters on clearance at a local store forever ago, so I don't remember who made them or if they're even still available. Sorry for that. I added some acrylic paint, then more acrylic paint, then flowers, rub-ons, bling, and of course ribbon.

I'm very happy with it. It's been on my desk since shortly after New Year's and still makes me smile when I see it.